Document Design Migration FAQ

Why do I need to migrate to the new Document Design Version?

Based on customer feedback and new technologies we have updated the Document Design Edtior to meet customer expectations. Due to this new version we cannot maintain/support two versions. Also, all new features are going to be introduced in the New Document Design Version.

The most important changes/new features are:

  • Three column lay out. Left column basic document features. Middle column the document design canvas and Right column the options for the selected block on the canvas for fast editing and focus
  • Drap and drop improvements, more precise
  • Support multiple columns in one row
  • Reorder the Document Information fields
  • Flex fields and drop-down lists can be added to the Document Information section
  • Cover Page option

How do I migrate to the New Document Design?

You can migrate to the New Document Design by setting the Document Version in your company settings.

Can I go back to the old Document Design?

After you have set the New Document Design. You can do some testing to validate if the Document Design setup is perfect for you. At any point in time, you can go back to the old Document Design.

Beware. When you switch to another Document Design Version. This is applied to newly created documents.

Are all my Document Designs Settings Migrated?

We have tried to migrate your Document Designs as is. But if you have a more complicated/customized Document Design. You need to fine-tune the Migrated Document Designs to your needs.

After the Document Migration, I could not get my design as the old Document Design!

If you need support for Migrating your Document Design, we offer a Migration Service for 99,00 euros. For this price, we migrate your Document Design setup.

For more information regarding our Document Design Migration. Click /document-design-migration-service/

Can I use the Old Document Design after the final Migration Date?

After the Final Migration Date, we set your Document Design to the Latest Version. From that point on, you can no longer use your old Document Designs.

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