Administration Retention Obligation For Packing Notes?

It is known to every entrepreneur that the legal obligation to retain his or her administration is 7 years. It is the so-called fiscal retention obligation that the Tax Office uses. They strive to put as little administrative burden as possible on the shoulders of freelancers and small and medium-sized businesses. How long the administration must be kept depends sometimes on the importance they have with different data. The Tax and Customs Administration sees basic data as follows:


      • Purchase and sales administration

      • Stock records

      • Ledger

      • Payroll administration

      • Debtors and creditor administration

    This basic data must be kept for 7 years. After this period they will no longer ask for this. Because of the revision period of the pre-tax deduction for real estate (business premises etc.), you have to keep the details of real estate for 10 years.

    What about packing notes?

    On a packing note is the description of the content of products or goods that are delivered. It contains information about the sender and the products or materials present. The packing note or delivery note, therefore, contains more than just an order list. You may think that you do not have to keep a packing note, because the order is already mentioned on the invoice. The opposite is true. Packing notes fall under the basic data and are a support of the business administration. Invoicing software such as Invoice Office are useful tools to organize all administration (and therefore also packing notes) in one place. You can easily create a packing note , also receive delivery notes, super handy!

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