How does the read and receive confirmation work? And how do I set it up?

You can get a read and receive confirmation of a sent document by checking these options. Go to “Send e-mail with PDF” and “Finalize, email and Print” from your document. In pop-up, click on “Email setting”, on the toggle for both “Email opened and email delivered”. Now when you when email will be delivered and opened, the system will notify […]

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How can I change the VAT?

Moving VAT means that the VAT is shifted from the supplier to the buyer. This can occur, for example, if an agreement is signed by parties from different countries, and the VAT is paid locally. It is of course possible to shift VAT with Invoicing Office. I will briefly explain below how you do that.

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why do my documents have a “Draft/concept” in the background?

Are you wondering when your documents have a draft/concept in the background? Don’t worry…..When we just save our documents, they go into “Draft/concept” mode. This means they are not finalized and you can still make the changes.Let’s have a look below to understand more Once you finalize the document by clicking the “Finalize” option, under

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How to create Pricelist

If we want to mention discounts on our products then we will create a “pricelist” instead of giving discounts to every single product, whatever discount we say in the price list will apply to all products.To create Pricelist go to Products > Pricelist. Click on Create price list. Here we have to enter the name of

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How to Use a Picklist Feature

Invoice Office is also providing a picklist feature. To use this feature Go to “Reports > Picklist”. The wave picklist shows the aggregated quantity of each product from multiple packing notes. Wave picking, also known as cluster picking, is one of several order picking systems used in warehouses to improve efficiency. It involves releasing specific orders

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