The use of corrugated boxes have become a revolutionary change for e-commerce businesses. It has improved the packaging and labeling of products significantly, making a change in how products are handled. The new packaging style not only provides enhanced security, but it also increases the value of branding. Packaging slips are one of the most significant elements of the modern packaging system. A packing slip puts down all the information regarding the product ordered by a customer. Because the customer is purchasing a product online, he gets to know about what’s in the order as he/she takes the delivery, without opening the box.
There are several reasons why packing slip is crucial to ecommerce business, here are the top 5:
Tally that the shipment is complete:
One of the prime reasons to create packing slips is to ensure that the shipment has everything that was ordered by the customer. To ensure a successful eCommerce fulfillment process, it is important to ensure that the shipment is complete before the box is sealed and labeled. From matching the product types to ensuring the right quantity, a packing slip is meaningful in many ways.
Tracking items in large orders:
In case the order has multiple SKUs that are stored in different warehouses or which needs to be packed in different boxes, packing slip helps both the business as well as the recipient in tracking the order and order quantity.
Recognizing damaged items:
Items of fragile nature might get damaged during the transit. Thus can happen with a single item or the entire shipment. In such scenarios, a packing note helps a business to keep track of the damaged item and process the replacement or refund process ASAP.
Confirm delivery of complete packages:
Packing slips come handy in identifying missing items in a package. It makes it great in ensuring that everything ordered in a package was received. Even if the order is delivered in multiple packages, the sender and the receiver can ensure that all the items mentioned in the packing slip are received. The businesses must use a packing slip template that makes it easier for the customers as well as their employees to read the packing note and tally the items in the package.
Easy processing at custom checks:
In the case of international shipments, the packages are evaluated for their values. The packing note comes handy for the customs officers to check the items in a package and evaluate their value. Although, the customs department relies on the commercial invoice as it has more detailed information than a packing slip including the description of goods, their value, the seller’s and shipper’s shipping destinations, and delivery and payment terms.
When you create a packing slip, make sure it is as detailed as possible. The packing slip template must be very clear, offering the key information to the reader in a glance. These five reasons explain why a packing note is important for e-commerce businesses. If you are an eCommerce business, you must create valuable packing slips.